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<img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5c5b589eebfc7f201c32ede2/1622620338137-DALKS8X1XSZSTN5C5AQA/Final+Lobby+02.png" alt="Final Lobby 02.png" />
<img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5c5b589eebfc7f201c32ede2/1622620361074-6T1FQG5ZJMF2K86UESD4/Final+Lobby+03.png" alt="Final Lobby 03.png" />
<img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5c5b589eebfc7f201c32ede2/1622620388442-3ATMA1KHIZPRP3M34LRI/Final+Workstation+01.png" alt="Final Workstation 01.png" />
<img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5c5b589eebfc7f201c32ede2/1622620406325-Z7MYNMPAEI81B547FVBX/Final+Workstation+02.png" alt="Final Workstation 02.png" />
<img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5c5b589eebfc7f201c32ede2/1622620437671-W8N537QUUVFS7L3CIE5V/Final+Workstation+03.png" alt="Final Workstation 03.png" />
<img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5c5b589eebfc7f201c32ede2/1622620461108-Y3HB5A4RTTH2H35XA96H/Meeting+Area+01.png" alt="Meeting Area 01.png" />
While we live in a world manufactured in concrete, humans have an innate affinity towards natural elements. Relatively recently, the pandemic's uncertainty and stress realized the need for humans to interact outside the tiny screens and onto the natural surroundings.
The innovation in the built environment evolved with much appreciation towards methods supporting the user’s needs, one of which is Biophilia.
Biophilia, a proven part of our history formed by intuition and innate need to connect to nature, biophilia is an emerging field that addresses the need for humans to be around life and life-like ways. Therefore improve our well-being and speed up healing.
With incorporating the use of visual cues, human workflow is organized through design incorporated markers and signage. Partitions and booth seating are strategically planned to serve the need for employee collaborations without disregarding the workplace health protocols.
Apart from its physiological and psychological benefits, biophilia allows plants to be a source of improved air, acoustics, and visual aid. Under the WELL building standards, indoor biophilia can be incorporated into the design through potted plants or planted beds covering at least 1% of the floor area. In addition, it is suggested to provide plant walls per floor, covering a wall area equal to or greater than 2% of the floor area, if not the largest wall.
Local indoor plants to assist in improving indoor environment quality
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